It was “Up, Up in The Air” for jockey Harrison Beswick as he parted company with his mount, Mrs. S.J. Johnson’s Irelands Call trained by Leslie F. Young during the $30,000 Virginia Equine Alliance Maiden Hurdle race at the International Gold Cup at Great Meadow. Irelands Call continued the race while Harrison had a short walk to the finish. Both were uninjured.
Photo by Doug Gehlsen

“Dramatic Win” 14 X 18 oil © Linda Volrath. Two-time winner of the International Gold Cup (2019 & 2023, Schoodic is depicted here in the winner's circle of 2019 with jockey Hadden Frost up, Trainer Jack Fisher, owner Mrs. John R. S. Fisher. “I used an unconventional view from behind the winning team to showcase this big strong horse towering above everyone. Set against a pale moody sky, the dark horse and his connections create a triangular composition topped off by the angular position of the jockey,” artist Linda Volrath said. We are proud to note she is the Country ZEST Official Fine Artist. More of her work is at www.LindaVolrath.com

Meanwhile, jump jock Graham Watters rode 13-year-old bay gelding Schoodic to victory in the 3 ½-mile $75,000 International Gold Cup timber stakes at Great Meadow in The Plains in late October. Shown here with John Fisher, Sheila Fisher, owner Dolly Fisher, groom Finn Maroney and trainer Jack Fisher, far right. Schoodic also won this race in 2019 with rider Hadden Frost.

Chris Morris is an elementary school music teacher by day and blows his bugle for the Call To Post at the International Gold Cup.
Photo by Vicky Moon

Snowden Clarke was an outrider and has a pink festooned admirer in the paddock.
Photo by Vicky Moon